Childcare in the St George area of Sydney which comprises the Councils of Hurstville, Kogarah and Rockdale.

Types of Child care

Family day care is a network of accredited caregivers who provide care and educational activities in their own homes for other people's children.

Long day care is in a centre that provides all day or part-time care for children. Open for a minimum of 8 hours a day, 48 weeks or more a year.

Occasional care for children from birth to school age. Families can access occasional care regularly or irregularly.

Pre-Schools offer developmentally appropriate programs for children from two to school age.  The program should include activities that enhance  social, emotional, cognitive, cultural and physical development. Operate usually the same weeks as public schools from 9 to 3pm sometimes with availability of half days of attendance. 

Selecting a child care service

Child care types approved for the Child Care Benefit (CCB)

What is the Child Care Rebate? (CCR)

Child Care Access Hotline is a telephone service to help you find and choose child care: phone 13 61 51 between 8am and 8pm or1800 670 305 has information about:

  • child care and vacancies in your area   
  • government financial assistance with the cost of childcare. is a government site that has a search bar to help you find available local child care and other information about childcare

Selecting a child care service information on accreditation of centres and different types of childcare available

Family Day Care
Communicare Sydney Rockdale/Kogarah Family Day Care 89 Cameron St, Rockdale  2216  Ph:  9597 3111
Hurstville City Council Family Day Care Scheme 19 Connelly St, Penshurst 2222
Ph: 9330 6400

Hurstville Council Child Care Services

Hurstville City Council Family Day Care Scheme 19 Connelly Street, Penshurst  2222 Ph: 9330 6400

Penshurst Long Day Care Centre 5 St George St Penshurst NSW 2222 Ph: 9579 4029

Hurstville Preschool and Occasional Care Centre  Westfield Shopping Town, Cnr Cross St & Park Rd  Hurstville NSW 2220  Ph: 9570 6445

Beverly Hills Long Day Care Centre Vanessa St. Beverly Hills NSW 2209 Ph:9330 6064

Choosing a child care service

Other Child Care Services 

Bambino's Kindergarten Scarborough Park    Ph: 9588 4386 at 78 Barton St, Kogarah NSW 2217

Kogarah Uniting Church Long Day Care Centre     Ph: 02 9587 6474   18 Gray St, Kogarah NSW 2217

Ocean Street Kindergarten  Ph: 9587 9869 at 62 Ocean St, Kogarah NSW 2217  

Government Pre schools provide educational programs for children for one year prior to enrolment in Kindergarten:

Arncliffe West Infant Public School Preschool at Arncliffe West Infant School is a NSW Department of Education & Training preschool.

Riverwood Public School Preschool at Riverwood Public School is a NSW Department of Education & Training preschool.

St George Childcare Directory  A list of child care centres, kindergartens, nannies and babysitters.  

Finding a Public School in your area 





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