Playgroups in St George area  

Backstop Family Support Services 42 Jubilee Avenue, Carlton, NSW 2218                   

PH: 9553 9100  website Run playgroups with free transport if you live in the St George area

Playgroup NSW - Learning through play -directory for people wishing to find and join a Playgroup

Rockdale City Council Community Directory Playgroups

St George Early Years Supported Playgroups - 89 Cameron St., Rockdale                       

PH: 9567 4977 web page

Playgroups - why they are important?

They help children develop social skills such as taking turns, sharing, cooperating and solving conflicts.  They are a great way for children  to learn the skill of making friends and it is a skill that needs to be learnt.   What better place to learn it than on neutral territory.                                                                                                                                      

Play groups also help build self-esteem - the feeling of I can. I can join in, I can feel safe here, I can do these activities, I can wait for my turn.

Playgroups are also great for parents and other carers to get together and chat and interact with their children.

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